Pluted Pup
2025-02-13 00:42:58 UTC
Permalinkwhether I am an addict or I am an alcoholic but am not
allowed to say "both".
Alcohol started as the strongest foe, eventually the drug felt
stronger and not too far in the future alcohol became much
stronger than the drug.
I had drugs seeking behavior, as I see it, before getting
drunk or high the first time, and I also feel that
alcoholism and drug addiction fed off of each other,
and one causes the other. So for laughs, do I sound like
I am an alcoholic or a drug addict but only one or the
other? Since I am apparently making excuses for drug
addicts in AA I could be blamed as being just an addict,
not an alcoholic but it wouldn't be true.
The gist I get about complaining about hearing about drugs
in AA is that something is going wrong beyond merely the
subject of drugs: are the addicts glamorizing drugs, which they/we
often do, even if unintended? Are the addicts thinking
they can't go to Narcotics Anonymous because they don't
consider alcohol a drug? Should we as alcoholics try more
not to glamorize alcohol, knowing there are addicts
present, in order not to push alcohol as a "drug that I
don't like so it is OK for me to use it"? Is it the
formality at meetings of worrying about whether or not
someone doesn't address themselves as an alcoholic?
Are there alcoholics who don't want drugs described
because they want to hold on to the idea that drug addiction
is fundamentally different to alcoholism, so leaving
themselves an "out", a different style of drinking fantasy?
And not to get me wrong, I wish there are more meetings that
discourage drug talk, but I am not aware of any. The last time I
saw a speaker that was interrupted with the message that we
restrict our sharing to the subject of alcohol, not drugs, was
over 15 years ago, a meeting companion of mine loyal to that
meeting for that reason, and was disappointed that it changed. There
used to be meetings with titles like "pure alcoholics only" and
"just alcoholics", etc., but no more. It would be a shame to
keep such meetings private, unlisted, for fear of drug talk of
by newcomers.
Those who want such drug free meetings to exist ought to give
such rules in the very title of their meetings, and not as a
"gotcha", not as a surprise, to be sprung on newcomers in
the middle of a share, or to see others interrupted. Sorry, but
merely calling yourselves an AA meeting is not clear enough
information that drug talk is not allowed.
There is less of an excuse to complain about how meetings are
run if there are a lot of different meetings available to make
a switch to, if dissatisfied. But there is no group I know of
that I can refer to if they say they want to avoid drug talk.