2025-02-19 15:09:33 UTC
Permalink28-year medallion. Around here it's customary for the recipient to
make a speech about "how they did it". He went on to tell us all about
his crack cocaine use and how he hit bottom when he realized he lost
his stash. He tried NA for two years but decided to stick with AA.
There were way more descriptions about his crack cocaine use than that
but I'll spare you the details.
A treatment center group of people were in the meeting and they
obviously saw someone with long term "sobriety" discuss their drug use
in an AA meeting, so it sets an example for them later. I considered
interrupting him and reminding him what the open meeting statement
which we read says, "...we ask that all who participate confine their
discussion to their problems with alcohol." However by then I was in
such a foul mood that whatever I said wasn't going to be in the spirit
of love and tolerance so I kept my mouth shut. I was hoping the
chairman or a home group member would mention something after he was
done but they didn't.
I know there are a few drug addicts in this group who go to AA. Do you
respect and honor the singleness of purpose concept or do you disregard
the traditions of AA and talk about your drug use in detail? Do you
have any suggestions on what to say to people who flagrantly break AA
traditions that way? Last time this happened in my home group I
confronted the person during the meeting and apparently there was some
fallout from that. That is the way it was handled in my early days; by
nipping it in the bud and preventing it from becoming acceptable