2025-02-26 11:42:36 UTC
Permalinkdog had a “Support Animal” vest on. As he was walking in, I asked out loud
if the church allowed dogs in their building. One of the home group members
said they allow service animals. I then said that’s not what the vest says.
The owner of the dog then asked me if I had a problem with his dog, to
which I answered again by questioning whether the church allowed dogs. The
guy ignored me and sat down with his dog. He had also brought a dog bed for
his pet.
It seems I hit a nerve with other members of the group because one of them
looked up the difference between service animals and support dogs. He
started talking to the other home group members and objecting to the dog’s
presence. By then I had dropped it and was talking to someone else about
the new location of their meeting. Next thing I know the guy with the dog
is gone and the meeting had started.
After the meeting I asked the objecting group member if someone confronted
the dog owner or if he heard the chatter. He told me both happened. He told
me people buy these “support animal” vests on Amazon to flaunt and get
around the rules. He was so pissed that this guy had tried that and was
glad I said something out loud so he knew others supported him.