lightning speed
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2025-02-08 12:48:33 UTC
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.

I’m in favor of most everything he’s done, but I wonder how much of this
will actually go through before the courts start rolling some of it back.
It seems like he’s overreaching in some instances and pushing forward,
damning any potential pushback. He certainly isn’t sitting there wringing
his hands in worry like Biden would be doing. No doubt he feels like he has
a mandate from the American people to disassemble the government. I wonder
how this will affect the services everyone expects.

Just like the extremism of previous administrations, the next one swings
farther in the opposite direction. Imagine what the next Democratic
president will do when they undo Trump’s changes. That’s if there ever will
be another Democrat in the White House.
Fred Exley
2025-02-08 18:43:10 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
I’m in favor of most everything he’s done, but I wonder how much of this
will actually go through before the courts start rolling some of it back.
It seems like he’s overreaching in some instances and pushing forward,
damning any potential pushback. He certainly isn’t sitting there wringing
his hands in worry like Biden would be doing. No doubt he feels like he has
a mandate from the American people to disassemble the government. I wonder
how this will affect the services everyone expects.
Just like the extremism of previous administrations, the next one swings
farther in the opposite direction. Imagine what the next Democratic
president will do when they undo Trump’s changes. That’s if there ever will
be another Democrat in the White House.
The movie ‘Twelve O’Clock High’ is often cited as a guide to timeless
leadership principles. Step One when a new leader takes over a group is
to shake up the existing status quo, the more of a shock the better.
Step Two is to then rebuild the group as it should be:

The other is “Twelve O’ Clock High,” which is about a manager taking
over a failing bomber group and whipping it into shape through a program
of stern discipline.

It is the harrowing story of the first B-17 bombers in England in World
War II and the terrible losses they took before long-range fighters were
available to escort them on combat missions over Europe. The movie was
adopted from a popular novel that was, in turn, based on a real event
that affected the Eighth Air Force in England during 1942 and 1943.

The new leader immediately incurs the hatred of aircrews when he comes
down hard on the lack of discipline. He deals harshly with slackers,
segregating the worst misfits into a crew known as “The Leper Colony”.
He openly criticizes mistakes, insists on a high level of
professionalism and is a straight talker who appreciates straight talk
in return.

Resentful of the new management style, all the pilots ask to be
transferred out of the unit. But the new commander sticks to his
principles. As the bomber group develops combat effectiveness and the
group’s performance improves, and the loss of life decreases, the pilots
change their minds and support the new commander and his leadership style.

This story dramatizes steps the leader took to restore the morale of
people who had come to regard themselves as “hard-luck failures” who had
accumulated the highest loss rate and the worst bombing effectiveness
record and motivated them to become a winning team.

The film highlights timeless leadership lessons such as creating a
strategy; setting clear expectations; creating performance standards;
giving clear directions; putting the right people in the right jobs;
communicating the “why”; restoring accountability, and pushing, pushing,
and pushing until the job is done.

Whether commanding a bomber group or managing employees towards making
their numbers, these leadership qualities are essential and universal,
especially in situations of extreme emergency and crisis."

2025-02-08 19:01:28 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
I’m in favor of most everything he’s done, but I wonder how much of this
will actually go through before the courts start rolling some of it back.
It seems like he’s overreaching in some instances and pushing forward,
damning any potential pushback. He certainly isn’t sitting there wringing
his hands in worry like Biden would be doing. No doubt he feels like he has
a mandate from the American people to disassemble the government. I wonder
how this will affect the services everyone expects.
Just like the extremism of previous administrations, the next one swings
farther in the opposite direction. Imagine what the next Democratic
president will do when they undo Trump’s changes. That’s if there ever will
be another Democrat in the White House.
Not in total agreement BUT, it IS like a breath of fresh air. No longer
need white males feel like we have a target on our backs. Within a few
months the liberal lefties will be swept from power in here in Canada, too.
2025-02-09 07:43:48 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
beginning with:

"It’s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
2025-02-09 17:12:54 UTC
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It’s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
2025-02-09 19:39:25 UTC
Post by Sharx335
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI
bullshit, drain the swamp, project American interests, isolate
freeloading international partners, and even scare Iran into
negotiations. The Democrats are stunned watching their
underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything about
it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It’s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
Yeah, that's what happens when he can't actually discuss the topic. He
says he got so many hits on a search like that's supposed to mean
something. We can all do searches, it takes a little more intelligence
and effort to actually put your thoughts into words.
Fred Exley
2025-02-09 19:59:48 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Sharx335
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI
bullshit, drain the swamp, project American interests, isolate
freeloading international partners, and even scare Iran into
negotiations. The Democrats are stunned watching their
underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything about
it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It’s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
Yeah, that's what happens when he can't actually discuss the topic. He
says he got so many hits on a search like that's supposed to mean
something. We can all do searches, it takes a little more intelligence
and effort to actually put your thoughts into words.
Chaos that results in a better society is well worth the short-term
pain, as Lincoln and Washington amply demonstrated.
2025-02-09 22:13:11 UTC
Post by Sharx335
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are
stunned watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do
anything about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It’s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
What I "don't get" is how any emotionally mature, sober, citizen with
the equivalent of a high school education can fail to see what a menace
to civil society Trump is. Send in the clowns, there ought to be
clowns, to utilize fear.

Utilize: transitive verb, to use something beyond its intended purpose,
2025-02-09 23:23:53 UTC
Post by Socrates
Post by Sharx335
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are
stunned watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless
to do anything about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It’s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
What I "don't get" is how any emotionally mature, sober, citizen with
the equivalent of a high school education can fail to see what a menace
to civil society Trump is.  Send in the clowns, there ought to be
clowns, to utilize fear.
Utilize: transitive verb, to use something beyond its intended purpose,
No need to send IN the clowns--they've been in DC since the 2020
inauguration, weaponizing the (in)justice system against anything
remotely conservative. The REAL menace is from airy-fairy liberals who
want ANYONE over 14 to be able to vote, regardless of incarceration
status or lack of proof LEGAL citizenship.
Pluted Pup
2025-02-10 04:31:36 UTC
Post by Socrates
Post by Sharx335
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are
stunned watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do
anything about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It´s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
What I "don't get" is how any emotionally mature, sober, citizen with
the equivalent of a high school education can fail to see what a menace
to civil society Trump is.
Are you saying that Trump has faults? How about writing
about them yourself, instead of relying on Google searches to tell
you your opinion for you?

Google weighs each word by The New York Times ("our national news source")
and The Washington Post about a million times more than anyone
else, so every malicious piece from them is judged by internet
searches to be The Unvarnished Truth.
Post by Socrates
Send in the clowns, there ought to be
clowns, to utilize fear.
Scary clowns obsess about Trump and have attributed every thing
in the last 10 years to Trump, as if nothing in the world
matters more than Trump.
Post by Socrates
Utilize: transitive verb, to use something beyond its intended purpose,
2025-02-10 06:06:32 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Post by Socrates
Post by Sharx335
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are
stunned watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do
anything about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It´s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Non sequitur. Yet another red herring from the lefties
What I "don't get" is how any emotionally mature, sober, citizen with
the equivalent of a high school education can fail to see what a menace
to civil society Trump is.
Are you saying that Trump has faults? How about writing
about them yourself, instead of relying on Google searches to tell
you your opinion for you?
Google weighs each word by The New York Times ("our national news source")
and The Washington Post about a million times more than anyone
else, so every malicious piece from them is judged by internet
searches to be The Unvarnished Truth.
Post by Socrates
Send in the clowns, there ought to be
clowns, to utilize fear.
Scary clowns obsess about Trump and have attributed every thing
in the last 10 years to Trump, as if nothing in the world
matters more than Trump.
Post by Socrates
Utilize: transitive verb, to use something beyond its intended purpose,
Trump is the LIEbrawls boogeyman--they always seem to want one...the
better to distract people from the LIEbrawls bullshit.
Pluted Pup
2025-02-10 04:04:35 UTC
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It´s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Reality Check: Google is an Advertising Agency, and does not do neutral
searches. It operates in collusion with facebook as an illegal monopoly
on internet advertising.

Where's the proof that advertising is always true?
2025-02-10 08:47:30 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It´s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Reality Check: Google is an Advertising Agency, and does not do neutral
searches. It operates in collusion with facebook as an illegal monopoly
on internet advertising.
Where's the proof that advertising is always true?
There you go again, Russian to vague collusion's.
2025-02-10 18:39:35 UTC
Post by Socrates
Post by Pluted Pup
Post by Socrates
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
Did a search: Trump and chaos and got "about 3,480,000 results,"
"It´s a Circus: Trump Unleashes Chaos at Key US Science Agency."
Reality Check: Google is an Advertising Agency, and does not do neutral
searches. It operates in collusion with facebook as an illegal monopoly
on internet advertising.
Where's the proof that advertising is always true?
There you go again, Russian to vague collusion's.
Charlie M. 1958
2025-02-10 15:07:20 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
I’m in favor of most everything he’s done, but I wonder how much of this
will actually go through before the courts start rolling some of it back.
It seems like he’s overreaching in some instances and pushing forward,
damning any potential pushback. He certainly isn’t sitting there wringing
his hands in worry like Biden would be doing. No doubt he feels like he has
a mandate from the American people to disassemble the government. I wonder
how this will affect the services everyone expects.
Just like the extremism of previous administrations, the next one swings
farther in the opposite direction. Imagine what the next Democratic
president will do when they undo Trump’s changes. That’s if there ever will
be another Democrat in the White House.
I agree with Trump's position on a lot of this stuff, but I think the
whole executive order thing has gotten out of hand. I could be wrong,
but I don't remember it really being a thing until Obama took office.
Trump, Biden, and now Trump again have followed Obama's lead of making
sweeping changes with the stroke of a pen. I don't think that's how
government is supposed to work.
2025-02-10 15:14:59 UTC
Post by Charlie M. 1958
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit,
drain the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading
international partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The
Democrats are stunned watching their underworld crumble apart and
seem powerless to do anything about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
I’m in favor of most everything he’s done, but I wonder how much of
this will actually go through before the courts start rolling some
of it back. It seems like he’s overreaching in some instances and
pushing forward, damning any potential pushback. He certainly isn’t
sitting there wringing his hands in worry like Biden would be
doing. No doubt he feels like he has a mandate from the American
people to disassemble the government. I wonder how this will affect
the services everyone expects.
Just like the extremism of previous administrations, the next one
swings farther in the opposite direction. Imagine what the next
Democratic president will do when they undo Trump’s changes. That’s
if there ever will be another Democrat in the White House.
I agree with Trump's position on a lot of this stuff, but I think the
whole executive order thing has gotten out of hand. I could be wrong,
but I don't remember it really being a thing until Obama took office.
Trump, Biden, and now Trump again have followed Obama's lead of
making sweeping changes with the stroke of a pen. I don't think
that's how government is supposed to work.
Blame Congress for giving the president the power of the pen, purse and

The last time United States declared war was in 1942. How many de
facto wars have we been in since then?

Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a record 3,721 executive orders during his
Charlie M. 1958
2025-02-10 16:16:22 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Post by Charlie M. 1958
I agree with Trump's position on a lot of this stuff, but I think the
whole executive order thing has gotten out of hand. I could be wrong,
but I don't remember it really being a thing until Obama took office.
Trump, Biden, and now Trump again have followed Obama's lead of
making sweeping changes with the stroke of a pen. I don't think
that's how government is supposed to work.
Blame Congress for giving the president the power of the pen, purse and
The last time United States declared war was in 1942. How many de
facto wars have we been in since then?
Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a record 3,721 executive orders during his
Interesting, but I'm not sure raw numbers really tell the whole story.
Again, I could be wrong, but it seems like in recent years many of these
executive orders have been more in the form of end-runs around the
legislative process with regard to issues in dispute between the two
banjo Jon
2025-02-12 03:23:45 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Trump has moved with lightning speed to undo all the DEI bullshit, drain
the swamp, project American interests, isolate freeloading international
partners, and even scare Iran into negotiations. The Democrats are stunned
watching their underworld crumble apart and seem powerless to do anything
about it. The chaos is amazing so far.
I’m in favor of most everything he’s done, but I wonder how much of this
will actually go through before the courts start rolling some of it back.
It seems like he’s overreaching in some instances and pushing forward,
damning any potential pushback. He certainly isn’t sitting there wringing
his hands in worry like Biden would be doing. No doubt he feels like he has
a mandate from the American people to disassemble the government. I wonder
how this will affect the services everyone expects.
Just like the extremism of previous administrations, the next one swings
farther in the opposite direction. Imagine what the next Democratic
president will do when they undo Trump’s changes. That’s if there ever will
be another Democrat in the White House.
I'm probably what they'd call a bipartisan hybrid. I'm on SSDI and
work, so I'm already ahead of working for my benefits like they want to
get everyone on welfare to work for their benefits. I was with
vocational rehabilitation for over a year and they couldn't find
anything full time for me so for the time being I'm stuck where I'm at.
I work for below minimum wage. My next strategy is to do volunteer work
for the Salvation Army, Red Cross, United Way or wherever will take me.
This is as a stepping stone into a paying job. Like I'm 63 diabetic
with mental illness. I'm married to the restroom wherever I go. If I
lose my benefits, SSDI, Medicare and Medicaid, then there goes my
insulin and insulin pump, up goes my sugar and I'm as just as well off
dead. That is definitely an option. That may make people who don't
like me glad but I don't care. When it requires great effort just to
stand up out of a chair I know I'm getting over the hill.

If I could get someone to pay me for starting 12 step emotions anonymous
groups and running the meetings until they can run themselves, it
wouldn't be like going to work for me. I know that's against the
traditions but I have to eat something to live. I just weighed in at
423 pounds today at the doctors. My feet and legs are all screwed up so
I need to start using my air pumps leg boots, take my blood pressure and
go to the gym.

,,, and when old Dan had passed away
they missed the music he used to play
they took him on his final ride
and buried his banjo by his side

my sugar cracks my fingers so my banjo playing days are limited as well.

tax return time and a better banjo... something to live for

low action more easy to fret
